A Drill for Success
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Item Popularity: 3.8/5 (13 votes cast)
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Tags: draw  target  club face  clubface  impact  pull  plane  angle  shaft  target line  extensor  dowel  drill  push  face angle  rotate  webinar  chuck evans  2010  May  

Chuck Evans and Chris Spade continue to discuss common issues they see with students, and demonstrate drills to help better your game.

From: Webinar Archive - Junior Golf Discussions & Tips

Chuck Evans welcomes fellow instructor, Chris Spade, to this webinar, filmed at the Emerald Bay Golf Club in Destin, Florida. The two of them discuss their roles as instructors at the Medicus Golf Institute, and the things they see as key issues with their students of Junior Golf. They then do demonstrations that will help improve your game, whether a Junior Golf player, or an adult, and finally take questions from the audience.


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Chuck Evans & Chris Spade - Instructor Discussion
From: Webinar Archive - Junior Golf Discussions & Tips
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