Putt Like a Pro with Geoff Mangum - Intro
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Tags: medicus  putting  puttingzone  geoff mangum  putt like a pro  overspin  bevelled edge  line integrity  force  roll  aim  face balance  break  

Geoff Mangum introduces this Medicus production of "Putt Like a Pro" and explains and demonstrates what makes the Medicus OverSpin Putter so great.

From: Putt Like a Pro with Geoff Mangum

This Medicus video production of "Putt Like a Pro" is hosted by putting expert Geoff Mangum.

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I agree that "overspin" will keep start the ball rolling without bouncing, and that is a good thing. I read another comment that Pelz doesn't like "overspin" -- if true, then I have to disagree with Pelz.
username: donaldr19 Jul 3, 2012 10:51 am
2 questions, (1) Pelz says just the opposite - you don't want a putter to create over-spinn - who is right (2) does this putter come in a belly lenth shaft
username: johnb98 Mar 9, 2012 9:07 am
Is the lie angle able to be bent. The standard lie being 71 degrees. I need to bend the lie angle to 76degrees. Is that possible? Also dose it come in different lengts?
username: robertg65 Feb 1, 2012 9:28 am
Where do I purchase this putter?
username: roberts70 Jan 16, 2012 4:56 pm
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Putt Like a Pro with Geoff Mangum
From: Putt Like a Pro with Geoff Mangum
Geoff Mangum is an internationally-recognized putting expert, and hosts this Medicus production of "Putt Like a Pro".

Tags: medicus putting puttingzone geoff mangum putt like a pro overspin
Putt Like a Pro with Geoff Mangum - Intro
From: Putt Like a Pro with Geoff Mangum
Geoff Mangum introduces this Medicus production of "Putt Like a Pro" and explains and demonstrates what makes the Medicus OverSpin Putter so great.

Tags: medicus putting puttingzone geoff mangum putt like a pro overspin bevelled edge line integrity force roll aim face balance break
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