Pitching: The Downstroke - The Pitch Shot
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Tags: Chuck Evans  dowel drill  impact  pitch  downstroke  

Chuck Evans demonstrates the critical factor of the downstroke for the pitch shot.

From: Pitching - Golf Tips and Drills

Chuck Evans, G.S.E.D., a Golf Magazine Top 100 Teacher, is one of only 31 golf instructors worldwide designated to hold a doctorate in golf stroke engineering. He is executive director of instruction for the Medicus Golf Institute and has served as director of schools for the PGA Tour Golf Academy, and as director of instruction for the United States Golf Institute. He is also the author of "How To Build Your Golf Swing." When you're practicing, work on the things you're having trouble with, Chuck Evans writes. If your putting and chipping are good but you're driving is off, then work on driving. Always have a plan when you're practicing. Practice with a purpose.

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